There are school lunch organizations out there that are feeding kids healthy, organic foods. But your kid’s school isn’t necessarily working with them. They might be dealing with a service like this. [Toronto Star]
There’s nothing sadder than really, really wanting to love a restaurant and having it come up sub-par. [Drawn and Devoured]
Live in Toronto? Jennifer Bain would like to come to your house for dinner. You should invite her. I’ve met her and can vouch for the fact that she’s a nice lady and not an axe-wielding serial killer. [Toronto Star]
Oohh… I love Sri Lankan grub. This place in Markham looks outstanding. [Spice City Toronto]
The hottest new trend for restaurants? Opening an accompanying food shop. [Globe and Mail]
The US will not list bluefin tuna as an endangered species. But… why?? [Politics of the Plate]
The bigger the package, the bigger the portion. Why buying in bulk may not be such a great idea. [National Post]
Quebec sugar pie rocks. (And it’s supposed to be gooey.) [Madame Benoît et Moi]
Speaking of sugar, the Candy Expo is now the Sweets and Snacks Expo, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole pile of candy going on. [Serious Eats]