There’s a fungus among us. That black gunk in the bottom of your dishwasher, the result of bits of food and less harsh, environmentally-friendly detergents, could make you sick. [Toronto Star]
You know that list that came out recently about the foods with the most pesticides? That list is based on the pesticide residue that reaches consumers; some of the “best” produce in terms of amount of pesticide that reaches the consumers are the very worst items in terms of pesticide exposure for farm workers. [Grist]
Free bread at restaurants – a nice, hospitable gesture or an environmental disaster? [Globe and Mail]
Is your server on auto-pilot? [Inside Scoop SF]
Farm up, not out. But someone’s gotta go first and actually do it. [The Grid]
Hey Toronto, you know how we’re all insecure and lacking in self-esteem because we don’t have a signature food? Can we not sweat it anymore? Because really, check out the sad company we’d be keeping. [TruTV]
A toast to toast – as a streetfood, alongside stinky tofu and grilled lamb. [Toronto Star]
We just can’t seem to get enough pastry porn. [New York Times]
You’ve gotta watch the sodium, but soy deli meats are a better alternative than the animal-based kind. [Globe and Mail]
Fake sugar and fake fat may be lower in calories, but that shit will fuck you up. [Slate]
See, food bloggers, this is what I mean when I talk about being a “professional blogger”. Writing well, with a professional attitude really can lead to a book deal. [Washington Post]
Word of Mouth: JOEY to open in Eaton Centre; Rodney’s hosts the Ontario Oyster Festival, and vegans take over the city this coming Saturday. []