I’m on the internet…
People say nice things about me!
Food Writing
She Does the City says I am one of “5 Female Food Writers Who Are Killing It”
With huge thanks to Sarah Brown for including me in this list of such awesome broads as Jennifer Bain, Ivy Knight, Rebecca Flemming and Liora Ipsum. I am proud to be in their company.
The folks at Rock-it Promotions think I’m a Media, Darling!
Check out this fun interview I did with them.
Toronto supermarket Fiesta Farms ran this interview with Greg and I on their website.
Kitchen Party
Deborah Hemming reviewed Kitchen Party for Cuizine – and compared me to Ruth Reichl!! So chuffed!
Author, editor, and bookseller Charlotte Ashley of Once and Future reviews Kitchen Party.
Steven Davey previewed my book launch for NOW Magazine.
Other Interviews and Things Where I Pretend to be an Expert
Along with my husband Greg Clow, I talk about Convergence, the NetGoth festival, as part of a Nuit Blanche project by Andrew Lochhead that put historical markers on buildings relevant to Toronto’s Goth music scene.
That time CBC came to my house and watched me mop my kitchen floor. (Okay, it’s an interview about toxic household cleaners.)
I tell the Globe and Mail why I don’t line up to get into restaurants.
Shinan Govani used to give TasteTO lots of props in his column for The National Post and quoted me in his column talking about Marc Thuet.
Apparently I once gave an interview to AdvocateDaily about prison food.
The article about children in restaurants in which Toronto Life not only doesn’t do an official interview, but mis-attributes a quote to me, and announces to the world that I have children (I don’t). (Fact-checking is your friend, journalists!)
When I made omelettes for The Globe and Mail and they made me sound really ditzy.