
You’ve found the home of Sheryl Kirby, multi-disciplinary creative.

This site is currently under construction while I decide what I want to be when I grow up.

Currently I am producing and promoting various events. Visit my other (more complete and informative) sites at:

Toronto Dark Arts Market

Stained Productions



Sheryl has run a concert production company, an indie record label, an artisan marketplace, and a vintage clothing store. She trained as a chef at George Brown College where she also completed a program in event planning.

For many years she ran a popular food and drink website. She also wrote a daily restaurant column for The Toronto Star, and is the author of three books.

She currently runs a company that produces fun events for scary people, and makes wacky jewellery that everyone admires but does not buy.

She lives in Toronto with her husband and the world’s only Goth Corgi.



I can be reached at sheryl at sherylkirby dot com


All content on SherylKirby.com is the property of
Sheryl Kirby ©2006 – 2024.

Fiction Disclaimer

All published works with “fiction” in the title or hashtag are, in case it’s not obvious, fictional; made up; fabricated; untrue; figments of my imagination; a pack of lies.

Actions and opinions of individual characters in these works of fiction are not representative of the author’s. See above. Don’t @ me.

Any resemblance of characters to individuals either living or dead is purely coincidental.

Inspiration and ideas for these works come from myriad sources, including current events, conversations I’ve eavesdropped on, my own experiences and observations of the world around me, as well as things I’ve completely made up that have no basis in reality whatsoever, because… fiction. Details may have been changed, timelines may be compressed or stretched, places and events may be represented differently from how they actually existed or occurred.