Messy Nessy interviews Parisian artist Kanako. [Messy Nessy Chic]
I love, love, love this essay aimed at young oddballs, and wish someone had written it 30 years ago, when I was one. [NPR]
Speaking of awesome things I wish were around when I was a kid – Makies, the world’s first 3D printed dolls, are now for sale. And they’re named after famous scientists/computer programmers (including Hopper, for Grace Hopper who was the “creator” of the term computer bug after finding a moth in a mainframe.) [BoingBoing]
Free Rebekah! The raccoon made famous for dancing with a “hillbilly” has been seized by authorities! [Gawker]
40 totally cool world maps, Plus one even cooler map made with a spirograph. [Twisted Sifter] [BoingBoing]
World maps were a good link. Thanks.