In the version of this column that used to run on TasteTO, I’d often take local bloggers to task for running inaccurate reviews, pointing out that they could affect the restaurant’s business with a review that was not supported by research and fact. Now a blogger in Taiwan is facing fines and jail for exactly that issue. Watch what you write, folks. [Globe and Mail]
Who paid for the study? It’s a refrain heard in nutrition circles regularly, especially when the research appears to be in favour of processed foods that we know to be bad for us. It turns out, some scientists are happy to take a cheque from a corporation to fudge some numbers in their favour. [ABC]
Best idea ever – a packaging-free grocery store. That’s right, one massive bulk section where customers bring their own or buy compostable containers to get stuff home. [Good Food]
In an effort to compete with other chains and their “good for you” offering, Krispy Kreme will start serving yogurt and oatmeal. But lest you think they’re a bunch of patchouli-scented hippies, they’re also rolling out 3 flavours of donut milkshakes in North Carolina. Because eating healthy is all about balance. []
Ahem… someone we know has a birthday coming up in September. She would loooooove a pie of the month subscription if you don’t know what else to get her. [Chow]
Georgia peaches might not be so peachy this year – with a new immigration law coming into effect in that state, illegal farm workers are fleeing and farmers are left with nobody to help them harvest their crops. [NPR]
The amazing life of lobsters – those big ones that make the news could be 50 years old! []
Ewwww… donut milkshakes?!? Those two words just don’t belong together.