No soda, no candy, no fries. This school year, cafeterias are serving up healthier food. But will the kids eat it? [Toronto Star]
And if they don’t want the healthy cafeteria food, have the little buggers make their own lunch. [National Post: The Appetizer]
Oh, your kids can’t cook, you say? Well why the hell not? Maybe it’s time (okay, not maybe, it really IS time) to bring back Home Ec. – for ALL students. [New York Times]
Chicken and biscuits have Wonder Twin powers. It’s a fact. Plus other awesome breakfast foods. [Bon Appetit]
The Brits are giving the term “gastropub” the boot. Which means it’s okay for us to do the same, right? I don’t mind the term all that much, I’m just sick and tired of it being used to describe every place with upscale comfort food, regardless of whether there’s a pub aspect there or not. [Globe and Mail]
Did you have a good Labour Day yesterday? The people who pick your vegetables probably didn’t. [The Ethicurian]
Fast food restaurants in the US want to be able to accept food stamps. Because that’s not a nightmare waiting to happen, is it? [USA Today]
Yes, please, I would like a Lobster BLT for lunch. Thank you very much. [Toronto Life: The Dish]
There are a lot of food charity events that take place each year. So imagine what it must be like to be a restaurant owner and weed through all the requests. [Inside Scoop SF]
Head a little fuzzy? It might be from too much nutmeg in that pie. The wonderful world of hallucinogenic foods. [The Guardian]