Restaurant Reviews

Recent Reviews

Casa Paco – August 12, 2023
Nami – July 22, 2023

For over a decade I wrote about Toronto’s food and restaurant scene; first running TasteTO, then writing a daily restaurant news column for the Toronto Star, then as a freelancer for publications like NOW Magazine. I switched gears around 2015 due to some health issues, and have since written three books and a variety of fiction, much of it food-themed.

I had thought about getting back into writing restaurant reviews just for fun before the pandemic, and recently felt inclined to do it again.

New reviews will show up in the blog on the main page but can also be found via by searching the Restaurants Category. This may also pull up some of my restaurant-themed short fiction.

Older food writing (which is a clutter of recipes, likely out of date food news, and restaurant reviews from a bunch of different sites) can be found in the Food Category and goes back to 2006, so apologies for the dated content and terrible photos, but going back through over a thousand old posts to re-tag them is just… no.

And finally, all of my writing from the TasteTO days (most definitely out of date, but still interesting, especially when I get all ranty) can be found under the TasteTO Tag.