Yikes! A Pusateri’s location was shut down yesterday due to an infestation of rats and roaches. [Toronto Star]
Conservatives – they’ve got a way of ruining everything. Like in the US where some supermarkets are refusing to stock Ben & Jerry’s Schweddy Balls ice cream because of some right-wing organization of concerned parents. Really? You folks think a little chuckle and a punny innuendo is going to ruin society? [Huffington Post]
The guys behind Trevor Kitchen have started a pizza business. That they didn’t want you to know they were behind. [Toronto Star]
Wouldn’t it be a lovely world if places stopped kowtowing to celebrities, like the KFC in the UK that refused to reserve a table for John Travolta? Awesome. [Videogum]
Fear of being fat might be more dangerous than the fat itself. [Toronto Sun]