Maybe I’m just too old, or too cranky, but even if the tacos are made by a great chef like Scott Vivian (Beast), ain’t no way I’m standing for an hour in weather with a 49’C humidex to get one. Just not getting it. [The Grid]
Another place you might have to line up for food this weekend is the T&T Waterfront Night Market. I don’t suppose they’d consider holding one of these during a time of year when you can go outside without fear of heatstroke, huh? [Torontoist]
Dear rockstars, maybe you should just stick to making music. Because if you’re putting your name behind liqueurs “for the ladies” that look like a cross between Pepto-Bismol and body lotion, well, we’re going to laugh at you. [The Guardian]
And speaking of sad marketing practices that prey on supposed gender issues – Milk’s “Got PMS” campaign has been pulled because it was utterly stupid. [Village Voice: For in the Road]
You know the joke about herbal tea being made with leaves and twigs? Yeah… most contain extra stuff, not listed in the ingredients, that is often leaves and twigs. [Toronto Sun]
The world’s 50 most delicious foods – some of these are so vague as to be negligible, but it’s a good place to start. [CNN GO]
Recycled packaging is good for the environment, yes? What if it’s not so good for the food inside it? [Globe and Mail]
I’ve never really gotten the allure of s’mores (I don’t recall making them as a kid, even as a Girl Guide), and it turns out, that’s okay. I’m not alone. [Slate]
5-a-day – most kids are not getting enough fruit and veg. [The Guardian]